Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's Been Too Long!

I'm back! It seems like forever since I last wrote a blog... it's been about 3 1/2 weeks actually! So much has happened since then... we've been very busy... I'm sorry it's been so long.

Well, here's a blog I wrote the week of July 26th.

Best Clo-Em Ever!
On Monday night Joe and I had the privilege of taking Miss Emma Fradd out for a farewell tea (dinner). Emma will be leaving on Thursday to travel to Canada to serve as a missionary with NET Ministries of Canada. Emma is a crazy-awesome musician and will be a part of a team/band called "Massive Worship", that is committed to "evangelization through music". They will lead retreats and music training sessions (among other things) across Canada. We are very proud of Emma and we know that she will do many great things over the next 10 months of service.

Side Note: Joe and I met while I was working for NET and he was serving as a missionary on a parish based team in Ottawa.

We had a great night! Our drive into Port Pirie was beautiful! I feel very blessed to have such beauty on my doorstep while we're living here... Every few minutes I would say to Joe, "Oh look! Isn't that pretty?!" The sun was setting and the sky appeared to be constantly transforming from one beautiful painting to another.

We picked Emma up at her house (a little later than planned... There was some miscommunication about where we were actually meant to pick her up... my bad!) and headed toward our destination. But it was closed. So... we started driving toward our alternate restaurant when Joe abruptly turned into an angled parking spot on the main street (FYI: driving down the main street of a town and pulling a u-turn to drive back the same way that you came is called, "Chucking a Main-y" around here) Joe had found us a wonderful Indian Restaurant... I LOVE INDIAN FOOD! It was a very small place that wasn't fancy at all... but as soon as you walked in and smelled that beautiful aroma you knew that the food was going to be great.

And it was! We are most definitely going back to that place!
Our meal was accompanied by story-telling and jokes... here's one for you (my mom told me this one): "What's the difference between Roast Beef and Pea Soup?"..."Anyone can roast beef" hahahahahaha!

But the night was not to end there! No! After a quick stop at Wooly's (Woolworth's: a grocery store) we went and planted ourselves in front of a fire at another restaurant/café with some wonderful coffees and played cards. After a bit of goofing off outside the restaurant our night concluded with a short time of prayer outside of the Port Pirie Cathedral.

Our wonderful night ended a little bittersweet, as we said goodbye to our dear Aussie friend.

Just to Claire-ify... We Love You Emma!

P.S. In June of this year Joe and I inherited the nick-name "Clo" thanks to our friend Sarah. And Emma has taken quite a liking to the name, hence this Blog title being Clo-Em.

P.P.S. Emma's service with NET Canada is a volunteer position and she is in need of people to financially support her and the work of NET. If you would like to support her you can check out NET's website for more information: www.netcanada.ca

1 comment:

  1. You are so cool!! :-) Man i love reading blogs about my fav peps!! Sorry had to skim it a bit b/c liam rather watch Elmo than read about his Aunt!! :-) Cant wait to see y'all!!!! Miss ya
