Saturday, August 21, 2010

Time is Flying!

I realized a couple of days ago just how little time I have left before I leave to go back to Canada! AND how quickly the time that I have left is going to fly by! Here's the inside scoop on the next 13 days...

Dinner out with Joe and friends and "The Night of Nights" Footy Show
Joe's baby sister's First Holy Communion
Pack my stuff for Canada and for the move to our new house (Oh! BTW we know where we're living... details in a future blog)
Sat 28...
Football in Jamestown and then off to Adelaide with Joe to speak at a youth minister's night-thing
Sun 29...
Joe's mum (mom) is hosting a "Kitchen Tea" (wedding shower) for me!
Mon 30...
Leave Port Broughton with everything packed for Canada... retreat prep meeting that night
Tues 31...
I'm helping with an all-girls retreat in Adelaide
Wed 1...
Hang out in Adelaide while Joe's at school... and DATE NIGHT (right Joe?)
Thurs 2...
Leave on a jet plane! Arrive in Canada in the evening (Canadian time)

And then even more fun begins when I get back to Canada! Can't wait! Just to Claire-ify it's 35 days until the wedding! woot! woot!

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