Wednesday, July 21, 2010


This week Joe is in Adelaide for a week-long class for Uni... so I'm here in Port Broughton with the rest of the Family.

Every Wednesday we walk to the church (which is about a 1 minute walk away) for Mass and Rosary. Tonight when we were leaving the house their cat "Tigger" decided to walk with us. The cat followed us all the way to the corner where it decided to stop for a good stretch on the road. Then the almost-12-year-old cat jumped up and ran to catch up as we rounded the next corner just before the church.

About 5 minutes after we entered the church, Tigger came in and eventually made his way up the aisle and into the sanctuary. Joe's little sister picked up the big ginger cat and carried him back outside.

But of course... the cat came back.

My 8 year-old-future-sister-in-law was in the sacristy preparing to altar serve at Mass, and chatting with Father when the cat made it's way back up into the sanctuary again so she was too busy to usher him back outside. So we just left him and figured that he would eventually get bored and leave.

But he didn't.

He sat quietly on the back pew for the entire Mass!

We didn't hear a peep from him until he let out a giant sneeze at the very end! And then when Mass was done he walked home with us!

My future in-laws had said that he's done it a couple of times before, but hasn't done it for years!

If you'll notice in this picture, he has a slight wound on his neck... I guess sometimes it does take rough times to make us turn to God!

Just to Claire-ify


  1. he looks like Bo-Bo Claire!

  2. I Love IT!
    ...& I Love You...
    You are AWESOME...
    See you tomorrow...

  3. hi-freaking-larious! That's so funny :)
