Friday, July 9, 2010


A while ago, Joe and I talked about who would be the "main cook" when we get married... and originally I said that I wanted to be. And that's still true, but Joe's a good cook too! So we'll just have to see how things turn out... maybe we'll share.

We both like to be in the kitchen... and if I may say so, I think we're both pretty good cooks too! Joe's more of a baker, which is fine with me! He's already laid claim on making all the birthday cakes! Go for it Joe!!

In the past week or so, Joe and I have been cooking a bit more... sometimes just for us, other times for the whole family. And so far - so good.

Most recently I made Nothing Soup and Cheese Scones... IN FACT, I've made the soup twice and the scones three times! AND it has been requested that I make them both again for Joe's brother's birthday on Sunday! So I guess they're pretty good.

So, I've decided to share the recipes. I can't take any of the credit... the soup recipe was from a dear family friend in Canada and the scones we found on the Internet... in any case, they're great. And REALLY GREAT together!

Nothing Soup
4 Cups of Water
4 Bouillon cubes (or 4 Tbsp of Chicken stock)
1 Large can of Tomatoes
4 Carrots - sliced
1 Large Onion - Diced
2-4 Ribs of Celery - Diced
2-3 Minced Garlic Cloves
Handful of Chopped Potatoes
salt and Pepper to taste (Be careful, it's very easy to put too much pepper!)

Combine all ingredients and gently boil for 30-45min.

Cheese Scones
1 Cup of Self-raising Flour
1 Cup of Grated Cheese
2/3 Cup of Milk
Pinch of Salt

Combine all ingredients to make a sticky batter.
Spoon batter onto baking tray in small clumps.
Bake at 220 degrees for 15 minutes - Makes 10-12 Scones

Joe's younger sister and I have also been making some crafts... our latest have been cookbooks! I thought it would be kinda nice to make a book of all the recipes that I try while I'm here... all the good ones anyway.

Other updates??
I still haven't started working... Joe and I booked our flights for the wedding!!... It's now under 80 days until the big one!... We're off to an away day for footy tomorrow... AND the birthday party on Sunday will be my first real BIG family gathering!

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