Thursday, July 1, 2010

Canada Day!

Last week Joe's little sister was assembling a Canada puzzle that I brought for her. We were talking about the different provinces of Canada and what's unique about them. Then she asked what our national anthem was like... she asked, "Is it 'Oh Canada! You are so big!'?" I laughed and thought, well I guess it could pretty much say that! I then proceeded to listen to a few Arrogant Worms songs!

So far today, it has been a great Canada Day! This morning I woke up to the sound of my national anthem being played on Joe's iTouch as he walked into my room with a tray of food... He had made me breakfast in bed... pancakes, sausage, freshly made orange juice, tea and real maple syrup! His dad said that he's setting the bar rather high! He'll have to keep it up for years to come. Joe says he's up for it.

After breakfast I got dressed in my red and white and watched a few classic "Canadian heritage Moments" on YouTube... "Dr. Penfield I can smell burnt toast!"

The morning flew by and then we went and got some hot chips (french fries) to make Poutine for lunch! On the way back I FINALLY met the other Canadian girl in town. She's marrying a local boy as well, and since I was here in January one of the first things that people ask me has been, "Have you met (insert name here)?" So now I can finally say that I have met the other Canadian. And on Canada Day of all days!

After our make-shift poutine we walked down to one of the cafés in town where I am hoping to work. So far so good... they're going to call me next week and we'll give it a trial! I'm excited, but a little nervous.

So, I hope all you Canucks are having a wonderful Canada Day! Enjoy the fireworks at home... they're illegal here!

Just to Claire-ify.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Joe! Glad to hear that you were able to celebrate of Canada day, even all the way over there, Claire :)

    How did everyone like the poutine? I've actually heard of some places in Australia and New Zealand that sell squeaky cheese because so many Canadians come in asking for it!
