Saturday, July 10, 2010


I started working at one of the cafés in town today! I was pretty nervous this morning as I watched the clock tick by until the time came for me to leave the house. Everyone had gone to footy for the day so I was home by myself. Luckily, I signed onto skype and got to chat with my mom (mum) and sister for a while to calm my nerves.

But what was I nervous about?!?! It went great! Well, I think it did anyway. I was doing a bit of everything... dishes, taking orders, serving food AND MAKING COFFEES! I always thought it would be cool to be a barista... or at least to know about coffees like Mairin and Caitlyn! I've got so much to learn, but I think it's going to be fun.

Aussies definitely don't drink as much coffee as Canadians. In Canada there seems to be a coffee shop on every corner... sometimes even across the road from each other (seriously not kidding... check out how many coffee shops are in just this part of Ottawa!)

I guess one of the perks (haha) of my new job will be the coffee... I had the chance to try some different ones today so that I knew what I was serving... and my heart it still racing!

I'm headed back tonight to help with the tea time (supper time) rush at 6pm... hopefully it goes as well as it did today.

So now it's time to make soup again in preparation for tomorrow... maybe by the time I finish my heart will have gone back to it's normal rate!! BIG DAY... Just to Claire-ify.


  1. Claire you are too funny. and this is such a good idea!

  2. Claire! That sounds so fun! I would love to work at a coffee shop! Do you make hearts in the froth like that?
