Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Picking Oranges

Last Friday Joe and I had a wonderful day in Port Pirie. We had heaps (lots) of things to do that day but we also managed to have a great time.

One of the things we had to do was figure out my license... which as you saw from the last video, ended up being absolutely nothing! Attention Ontarians: If you have a valid temporary visa for Australia you can drive here NO PROBLEMS. In my video however I said that I would likely not drive any time soon... I was wrong. With such a busy house, I was the only one home to pick up Joe's little sister from school today... so I had to learn to drive on the other (not wrong) side of the road sooner than I thought. Joe and I dropped her at school this morning and then went for a little lesson... Just to Claire-ify, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I did quite well I think... no mishaps yet anyway.

So just less than an hour ago I ventured out on the left side of the road by myself and successfully picked up my future sister-in-law without harming anyone or breaking the law. (Praise God!)

We also had a chance while we were in Pirie on Friday to hang out with Miss Emma again... And I had the chance to pick oranges for the first time. This may not be a big deal to most Aussies, but to a girl from Ontario where I'm pretty sure it's impossible to grow oranges... it was a pretty big deal! Check out the video below... oh, and I ate an orange the next day and it was wonderful!

More adventures to come from our trip to Pirie... including a Canadian VS Australian grocery shopping experience! AND a story about my first footy day in Port Broughton

Just to Claire-ify.


  1. Welcome to driving on the other side Claire! I think something in the brain switches when sitting on the other side of the car. Just wait til you go back to Canada now! Lol!
