Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Land of Oz...

It wasn't a wizard or a twister that brought me to the land of Oz... it was Joe. In just over 2 years we will have met, fallen in love, dated and will be married! So I've come here to live with my love and have a wonderful adventure in the land of Oz...

After a long 26 hours of travel on my own I was greeted at the airport by some of Joe's family... I guess they'll be my family pretty soon! It was so nice to see familiar faces after being among strangers for so long.

After a couple of days of rest I was ready to begin my adventure...
First stop... PORT PIRIE!

During my excursion to Port Pirie yesterday, Emma and I visited Meg's books shop where we found an amazing book... "Diary of a Wombat" is a ridiculously simple book that made me laugh out loud! It also reminded me of Hannah, Meaghan and Jocelyn and my very first trip to Australia in July 2008. I never thought that less than two years later I would be moving here!

We had a great day in Pirie... Coffee, shopping, Mass and our own Praise and Worship Session! Oh, and I met the bishop! I recognized him right away! And then I realized why... Upon meeting I informed him that his face has been on my fridge for the last six months! (... Joe and his family had a picture taken with him at his younger brother's Confirmation...) I think I made a good impression! He was very nice.

So... I think I like this place. It's strange, I was just here in January but now I'm looking at everything in such a different light... This is going to be my home for a little while now! And Joe? Well, Joe will be my home forever! Well, the next hundred years or so anyway.

Just to Claire-ify!

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