Monday, June 21, 2010

Camels in Australia!!!!!

It's true! I'm currently reading this book called, "In a Sunburned Country" by Bill Bryson. It's a great book! I'm learning so much about Australia... I'm teaching Joe a little too!

Anyways, so yesterday I was having a relaxed Sunday afternoon reading when I jumped up and burst into the kitchen to inform my future mother-in-law that there are indeed camels in Australia! She smiled and said, "Yes, I know!" Seriously people... Did anyone else know about these camels?!?!?!

So, in the last day I've learned quite a bit about this bizarre fact... here's a little:

Thousands of camels were imported into Australia between 1840 and 1907 to open up the dry areas of central and western Australia. They were used for riding, and as draught and pack animals for exploration and construction of rail and telegraph lines. They were also used to supply goods to remote mines and settlements.

In the 1920s, there were an estimated 20,000 domesticated camels, but by 1930, with the arrival of rail and motor transport, they were no longer needed and many were released into the bush. They bred prolifically, spreading across arid and semi-arid areas of the Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia, and into parts of Queensland.

Feral camel numbers in Australia were estimated in 2004 at more than 500,000 with approximately half of them in Western Australia. Current estimates place the population at closer to one million, and a doubling time of about nine years is likely. (

This country constantly baffles me... Just to Claire-ify.


  1. Hi Claire! I didn't know that Australia had camels either. Well, at least not until I lived there. I even saw some while we were in Broome, on the beach. Very cool indeed!

  2. That's crazy! I had no idea, but it certainly makes some sense!

  3. But after all the traveling i have done from Broom to Perth all the way back to Brisbane i havent seen any! well.... i did on the beach in Broom but they were tamed hehe
