Sunday, February 19, 2012

It's So Hot...

Yesterday it was soooo hot... 36degrees HOT! There isn't much you can do around here on a day like that - Just sit in the air-conditioning and try to stay cool... but it's pretty difficult sometimes, especially with a 5 month old. He can't have his naps during the day in his room because it's too hot in there - he doesn't go to bed at night at a decent time either... it's just too hot. I have to admit that I am REALLY looking forward to when it's not so hot.

Yesterday however, we discovered a way to stay cool. After the hottest part of the day had passed and there was a bit of shade in the back yard - we got out one of our sprinklers! We set up our new shade tent and John's baby bath and had a blast! (And our grass got a nice watering too!)

Side Note: Joe and I are renting this house and until yesterday didn't know how many sprinklers we have... WE HAVE 3!

At first John was loving running through the sprinkler with me - but then I think he just got a bit overwhelmed and had a little freak-out. So - out came the baby bath and he sat in it in the shade. I think he was still a bit overwhelmed by the idea of having a bath in the great out-doors, but it was a great way to cool him off!

It is definitely an activity that we'll have to do again!

Just to Claire-ify.

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