Monday, February 13, 2012

Filling in the Blanks

Life Happens... Sadly I haven't blogged in a LONG TIME! I would love to have some insignificant evidence of the past year-and-a-bit on my blog, but I can't go back now.

Sooooooo much has happened!

Joe and I got married...

3 days later we said goodbye to my family and moved back to Australia...

We moved into our first rental house...

We FINALLY went on our honeymoon 4 months later - to New Zealand. (We were going already for a friend's wedding)...

Joe started his teaching career...

We announced to the world that we were expecting our first baby!...

I experienced morning sickness and everything else that goes with being pregnant!...

We moved to our second rental house (We were a bit out-in-the-middle-of-nowhere with the other one)...

We welcomed our little bundle of joy into the world on September 14, 2011 at 8:40pm! John Ellis (We waited 3 hours to call either of our moms - and are still hearing about that!)...

My parents came to visit us for 3 weeks...

We travelled back to Canada for Christmas (with a 3 month old! - he did great!)...

And I'm enjoying the adventures of being a first time mom!

A lot can happen in 17 months!

I am loving life! We are VERY blessed.

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